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Guiding Principles for
Southwest Washington Symphony
Scholarships for Private Musical Instruction
Scholarships will be awarded based on student/family needs. The scholarships are for one-year period, from September 1 to August 31. A
scholarship may be renewed by a student with the submission of an updated application each year.
The scholarship year begins September 1 each year. The application deadline will be July 15. Family members will not be considered as pri-
vate instructors for purposes of awarding scholarships.
Families are expected to share in the cost of private lessons to the extent that they are able. The Symphony will not insist on knowing the de-
tails of a family’s financial situation but will instead rely on the family’s honest evaluation of their ability to pay a portion of the cost.
Applicants will be considered for all musical disciplines, including voice, but preference will be given to students who play an orchestral in-
strument. There is no obligation to participate in the Southwest Washington Symphony or any of its activities.
Applicants must have had some prior musical training, either in school or through private study. Accordingly, instrumental applicants must
be enrolled in grades 5 – 12. Vocal music applicants must be in grades 8 – 12 due to concerns about the physical development of children younger
than 13 or 14 years of age.
A major consideration in considering a student’s application will be the extent to which they have demonstrated a commitment to consistent
practice. The Symphony will request that the applicant supply contact information for a person, such as a school music teacher or private instruc-
tor, who can attest to the seriousness of the applicant’s commitment.
The Symphony’s share of the cost will be paid when invoiced by the private instructor. Invoices will be submitted quarterly. The student’s
share can be paid in any manner agreeable to both the student’s family and the instructor.
The Symphony gratefully acknowledges the following who have contributed their service,
effort and time to the symphony for this season.
Columbia River Reader
Country Folks Deli
Futcher Group, CPAs
Minuteman Press
Pets Pawns & Imports
Poouster Graphics LLC
The Daily News
Individuals and Organizations
Perry Calabrese........................................................................... Audio Recording
Columbia Theatre Arts Guild....................................................................... Ushers
Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts & staff.................... Children’s Concerts
Chelsea Descombes....................................................................... Program Notes
Longview Community Church.................................................. Christmas Concerts
Monticello Middle School............................................ Symphony Rehearsal Space
Rose Center for the Arts and Staff.................................. Winter & Spring Concerts
Trinity Lutheran Church................ Office & Meeting Space, Young Artist Auditions
Dick Uthmann....................................................................... Symphony Librarian
David & Ginger Walworth..................................... Symphony Chorale Preparation
2025 Young Artist Auditions
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Auditions will be held at 7:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church 2021 Washington Way, Longview, WA. The winner will perform as
a soloist at our Saturday April 12, 2025, 7:00 p.m. and Sunday April 13, 2025, 3:00 p.m. concerts and will be awarded a
scholarship. Scholarships available: * Lee and Dick Wollenberg Scholarship * Tom & Doris Hall Scholarship.